crypto coins released 2021, Featured

2024-12-14 09:02:34

Today, we will continue to lighten up on the 28.80 line.The stock market is risky, so you need to be cautious in buying and selling.Changjiang Electric Power reached a new high of 28.88 this month, and continued to break through the demand of 29 yuan in the short term.

After falling below the short-term moving average of 8.80 in early trading today, it gradually fell, and the lowest fell to 8.52. The next low point will be 8.36. If it falls below, the rally that started on November 19th will end.The short-term upward trend has not been broken, but it is only a natural callback after a 10% increase. You can also continue to hold shares to be increased.Today, I intervened in Hetai, trading daily in the afternoon, and then sealing the board after it was broken in the late session.

The short-term upward trend has not been broken, but it is only a natural callback after a 10% increase. You can also continue to hold shares to be increased.Beiqi Blue Valley is not suitable for short-term operation, and there is not enough room or patience to win, so there is no need to spend time in this stock.

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